Document detail page

INSApplies to the
InSight AN
M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN
MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the
PHXApplies to the

A Document detail page contains a daily report (a report produced by the science team regarding planned or completed activities for one or more sols) or an archive document (information about the mission, and instrument, or a data set) as requested. If the document cannot be displayed in a web browser, a download link is presented.

Documents can be accessed from numerous places within the Notebook. The Sol summaries contain links to reports from the mission manager and SOWG documentarian. Reports also can be opened from Search reports results, or your User history. Archive documents can be opened from the Resources "Mission and instrument data set documents" link, data product detail help, or your User history.

The figure above shows a daily report page.

Title and window controls

The title area shows the document title and related information. In the upper right are controls for resizing the popup. The popup windows may open full size, but can be resized and then moved around on the screen by dragging the popup window control bar.

Menu bar

Use the menu bar (shown below) to get more info on the selected document. The top level menu choices are described below. Follow the links to get more info on a particular option.


Actions are methods for doing something based on the document you're looking at.


There are several types of help available from the document detail page. Specific options depend on the document and what information is available.

see also